Jackie Renee Salon

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Is your hair feeling dry?

Maybe it snaps or breaks a bit and no amount of moisture products you’ve tried are working to help?

You could need something a bit stronger for your hair!

Yesterday, I had a client that regularly only comes for a haircut. Never been colored. Her hair is in decent shape but she does have some breakage in high stress areas of her head. Hairline, only on one side, and in her crown. (Likely her pillow - get satin or silk if you can!) and she can never get it super smooth, it always has a “texture” other than sleek and smooth after a blow out.

What’s going on here?

She has something crucial missing in her hair strand. Protein. What’s crazier, she was resigned that it wouldn’t be any different and she didn’t even bring up the topic! When I asked if her hair always felt this way her answer was, “Yes, forever.” She knew no different and had zero idea that it could be any different!

We can have a loss of moisture or protein in our hair which can leave it looking frizzy and feeling dry… AND it can be chronic and make your think your hair is “just that way” and nothing can be done!

Something CAN be done and you can manage it at home!

I have recommended this product Kerastase Ciment Thermique more times than I can count!

If you have the dry, frizzy ends that are snapping or your hair hair isn’t seeming to get smooth when you blow it out this might be the one for you.

Client result. She didn’t think anything would make the difference when I mentioned it, it’s why she didn’t say anything either. let’s just say she snagged the product and couldn’t stop touching her sleek SMOOTH hair.